12. 12. 2012.


Danas širimo krila i letimo...
Today we spread our wings and fly...

Umetnik Dukno Yoon kreirao je ove fantastične komade ''nakita''stvarajući pritom, pokretom, interaktivnu vezu sa ljudskim telom. Umetnik kaže da je kroz svoje radove počeo da istražuje i mehaničku strukturu kao formu, ali i da su mu upravo mehaničke strukture najzanimljivije zbog svoje kompleksnosti ali i ejdnostavnosti.
Kontrast između metalne strukture i pera, zajedno sa ponavljajućim pokretom zamaha krila, navodi na imaginaciju i stvara posebnu vezu između nakita i onog ko ga nosi!
Kako se vama čini? Ja sam oduševljena! :)
Jewelry artist Dukno Yoon creates interactive relationship with the body and his piece of art. He said that  through these works, he also started to explore the mechanical structure as a form. Mechanical structure becomes the most enjoyable form to him as it becomes complex yet remains simple and coherent.
The contrast between metal structural form and natural feather, together with the repetitive and whimsical movements of fragile wings, provokes the imagination and evolves the intimate relationship between work and viewer/wearer.
What do you think? I just love this! :)


Do sledećeg posta... :*
To the next post... :*

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