18. 5. 2012.


Volim kada mi nakit izmami osmeh na lice! :)
Naročito kada je petak, a ja na poslu mrtva umorna pošto sam iz BG-a (sećate se da je sinoć bila žurka u Plastiku :)) stigla jutros u 5, a ustala 6! :)
Diskretan, nepretenciozan, tanan, šarmantan, sa figurom čoveka u glavnoj ulozi, ovaj nakit, čiji je dizajner Selda Oketan je pravi izbor za sve bez obzira na ukus! :) Kako se vama čini? Zar nije meden?
I love when jewelry elicit a smile on my face! :)
Especially when it is Friday, and I am sitting in an office desk thinking about my tiredness.... As you might remember, I was in Belgrade last night in the club Plastik! :)
Discreet, unpretentious, sharming, with the figure of man in leading role, this jewelry, created by Selda Oketan is a great choice for everybody! :) What do you think? Isn't it lovely? :))

P.S. Sutra vas očekuje outfit post tako da se nadam da ćete biti ovde! ;)
P.S. Tomorrow awaits outfit post so I hope that you will be here! ;)

Do sledećeg posta... :*
To the next post... :*

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